
Showing posts from August, 2017

Windows 10 Slow Performance issue fixed !!!

I was running Ubuntu and Windows 8 simulteniously. Then 1 of my friend suggested me to install windows 10 so I tried my hands over it. I removed my windows 8 and ubuntu, started installing windows 10. Shit Happend.! not only me but many users were facing this "WINDOWS 10 PC GOT SLOW". I tried few solution from internet like improving your Virtual Memory and changing some bullshit. Bla Bla. But Nothing worked for me. Then I decided to rollback my pc to old windows 8. many of my friends  did roll back. after 2 days of husstle I found the solution. THE SOLUTION ..... YEAH !!!! Resetting your windows 10 and clean up the drive. STEPS to ReSET: Start Menu Settings  Select "Update & security" Click Recovery  in the left pane.  Windows presents you with three major options: Reset this PC, Go back to an earlier build and Advanced startup. Reset this PC is the best option for starting fresh. Advanced startup lets you boot off a recovery USB driv...

Fixed: Andorid ExpandableListView issue With CollapsingToolbarLayout

RecyclerView , Listview, Gridview or ExpandableListview doesn't work inside Scrollview when used with CollapsingToolbarLayout. When you try to scroll the List Its scrolling behaviour doen't work. To make it work you must override  this onMeasure(); of Your ListView or whatever type of List you're using. @Override public void onMeasure ( int widthMeasureSpec , int heightMeasureSpec ) { int heightMeasureSpec_custom = MeasureSpec . makeMeasureSpec ( Integer . MAX_VALUE >> 2 , MeasureSpec . AT_MOST ); super . onMeasure ( widthMeasureSpec , heightMeasureSpec_custom ); ViewGroup . LayoutParams params = getLayoutParams (); params . height = getMeasuredHeight (); } You can use  NonScrollExpandableListView  you can achieve non-scroll property of any  Lisview  or  GridView  or  ExpandableListView  by overriding following method. So for using  NonScrollExpand...